Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Inaugural function of HR- SYMPHONY, 2012 (September)

Message from the Student Forum - HR Symphony 


The student forum of department of M.A – H.R.M, Madras School of Social Work is delighted to present the inaugural function of HR- SYMPHONY, 2012 (September).

This event is a prelude to the HR Symphony which is a student forum initiative that is being conducted as a “National Level Annual Management Event” providing podium for both professionals and students to discuss on significant management topics.

We are going to release the theme of the season during this ceremony held on 11th July,2012 at MSSW auditorium. 

For more updates, stay connected.

Pragnya Mishra
On Behalf of Student Forum

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Changing face of HR

You might have read a lot already with the same title, so am moving directly to latest two name tags of the role- ‘Personnel Manager’ & ‘Human Resource Manager’.

Around two decades back organizations had a role of ‘Personnel Manager’. (S)He used to administer payroll and employee benefits . Gradually they moved to more accountable role and re-christen as ‘Human Resource Manager’. But still there exist an identity crisis for the clan of HR managers. Modern commoners assume role of HR is to hire and fire employees.

Personnel managers focused on tracking and maintaining employee records, counsel managers and employees, respond to top managerial questions. HR managers still do all but with topping of new technology. Accumulation to their profile is to react, proactively react to – (not in any order)

  • Utilization of employees to their maximum potential and help them to realize it
  • Optimize the cost along with  higher productivity
  • Brand the employer
  • Preserve  the talented resources and refine the unproductive and costly member of staff
  • Attract talent
  • Understand and act according to business
  • Communicate
  • You can add more :-)
All these aim to Create a better (read healthier, safer and happier) workplace.
All the above errands affix the term ‘Strategic Partner’ to former role tag.

HR is no longer a by-stander, the day the employee joins a firm,  the face of firm are the HRs. Even before they join their roles-responsibilities, span of control, paycheck etc are decided by HR. Going even further proactive HRs groundwork on existing employee work pattern i.e. predict if the employee is going to stay during and post assignment or will move on along with the reasons for same.

Few major efforts to regular compliance monitoring, compensation & benefits  for employees are

Even for the employers the HR activity embraces CSR planning and execution, Employer branding, Grievance eradication, Leaders identification & sparkle and framing business policies & strategic planning.

HR moved from policies framing of employment, holidays etc to making People. People who work as team and sharing emotional bonding rather than remaining just employees.

Thus the HR skill set also got upgraded, as
  • Strategic partner
  • Change driver and manager
  • Employee engagement architect 
  • Talent manager
  • Leaders creator

Thus again the name HR need to be renamed. New school of thought call – Human Capital Manager. What’s next? 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Recruitment Mission

The beauty of this summer was the internship and its gyan exploration. Knowledge grows with sharing, right? And It’s a long one.

My assignment was on ‘Recruitment – Selecting profiles and Scheduling for interviews’ and to close ‘X’ number of openings. So, the mission starts with the objective to close the openings in ‘Z’ week(s) timeframe.
First action was to devise the plan, How? I need to choose the right channel, ideal profiling , categorization based on profiles, time scheduling, and gyan (knowledge) on the JD (Job Description) of openings.

Gyan on JD

First of all be acquainted for whom and which position(s) the recruitment is done. Foundation on the roles & responsibilities, benefits entitled, etc through the JD.

Channel Selection

Choosing a channel depends on the job position (opening), the employer’s brand, the resources, the recruiting budget, urgency to close the opening or the time window, manpower forecast, etc.
So, one can choose from a huge pile of options; say
  • Ø  Internal advertising – Posting on intranet via online notices, mails to employees(Buddy referral)
  • Ø  Printed advertising – Posting on local/national/employment special newspapers, newsletters etc
  • Ø  Online – Using job portals, social – media (as LinkedIn or twitter)
  • Ø  Consultancy
  • Ø  Head hunting and /or Poaching
  • Ø  Re-hire
  • Ø  Campus recruiting
  • Ø  Walk-in
  • Ø  Body Shopping
  • Ø  Promotions and Present temporary workforce
  • Ø  Casual applicants
  • Ø  Candidate references i.e. taking references from the candidates, etc…

Profile Selection and Ideal Profiling

The profiles are selected based on the JD i.e. role and responsibilities, age, benchmarking the current/previous working companies, pay scale, preferred work location, etc… Recruiters practicing the same and using job portals might notice a strange phenomenon that not all profiles available on the website are job-seekers. Many candidates upload the resume just to check their own market demand and stay updated (assumption- by getting recruiter’s call). Also, some resumes are inactive for a period; still they make appearance on search; which can be filtered out.
Again, before jumping to the assignment a recruiter need to do groundwork on Ideal Profiling i.e. identifying the common employee profile based on psychological parameters that incline to succeed in definite role.

Time Scheduling

It is the most important, yet at times neglected section. A recruitment process can be breakdown into 1-5 stages depending upon the employer’s style of recruitment drive and channel. It may consist of an initial written knowledge test followed by interviews, discussions or combination. The efficiency of the recruitment based on time taken to conduct each stage is necessary; it will help the recruiter to amplify the process.  It also has dependence on the decision making ladder. The more complex and lengthy the ladder, the slower the decision, thus long time taken to close the opening(s).
Also, the time taken to complete the entire process starting from the first round till the result announcement impacts the employer’s brand.

Even though for a greenhorn initially it seems as easy as cakewalk, but its demanding. But the above four points of homework makes it enjoyable. It may seem story of recruitment - selecting 10 profiles from job portal, 8 interested to attend, 4 – 5 arrived for the drive and 2 candidates are offered the position, ending up as 1 new hire. But selecting the right channels, ideal profiling and scheduling makes it easier.

What do you think on the same? 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is innovation required?

Innovation is the talk of globe, everyone CXOs, academic leaders, Presidents and customer want to innovative concepts, technology and techniques.  Once all a company needed was to – improve, continuously improve and expect to succeed. But the information explosion and global economy changed all the rules of business. Peter Drucker, management guru stated innovation as one of the business competence needed for the future. Jack Welch, former CEO of GE believes in ‘break the glass’ i.e. continue to innovate.

What is it?
Innovation is creation of ideas with excellence in execution due to human curiosity.  Innovation is not invention, as it is commonly misunderstood as. Invention is creation of idea and innovation is commercialization of former. Innovation is the art of sustaining a company’s competitive advantage by discovering new opportunities.

Too many companies start investing money, manpower, material without defining the need and facets for innovation. A firm starts effective and efficient innovation when there is a reason or need to do it, those can be one or multiples from the list below to improve, save money, grow and survive
  •  Growth

With the rapid global economic growth the products and industries are maturing rapidly and consumers are willing to experience something new rather than repair or recycling. Products and services are getting short attention span and expectation from them is rising. Thus, product life cycle is shortened and firms must discover new needs quickly and swiftly than other market players.
  •  Opportunity

Diminishing the boundaries, as the global village is growing firms should realize potential of new markets and products beyond pre-existing geographic locations, products/services and systems.
  •   Competitive advantage on ‘Distinctive Capabilities’

Customers no longer want same product/service as their neighbors, they demand an upgraded version of same. Firms need to determine the innovative solutions to tap the demand to move ahead of others and gain the advantage point. Companies which can move with new well executed ideas leap far ahead before others realize and it become their distinctive capability.
  • Survival

In the world of uncertainties many companies stick to their standard mode of operation.  Innovation distinguishes the firm from other similar and it helps to survive through the rough patches of economy and be the leader. Innovation is the key to long term sustained growth.

Innovative organizations
·         3M :sticky Post-it notes
·         EnronOnline: B2B site
·         HP: laser and ink jet printers
·         Michelin: radical tire
·         Citibank:ATM

Organizations which ignored innovation
·         Xerox
·         Kodak
·         Motorola
·         Levi Strauss
·         Smith Corona(’s type writers)
·         P&G (in 90’s)

Wind up
To go ahead innovation is must. As the management guru, Gary Hamel, puts it ‘Most companies are built for continuous improvement, rather than for discontinuous innovation. They know how to get better, but they don’t know how to get different.’

Saturday, January 21, 2012

EXCELerator 2012

The Excelator-2012 conference was the initiative of SHARP (Sriperumbudur Human and Allied Resource Professional Forum) and CEO (Center for Excellence in Organization) Pvt Ltd. The theme for this convention was: “HR – a valued business partner”.

Esteemed members of the forum inaugurated the event. Mr. A. Rajan Babu, Head HR and Admin, Sona Koya Steering Systems Ltd, President SHARP said in the keynote addressee that role of HR revolves around work ethics, commitment and persistence and foundation of the SHARP forum. The forum started with 7 professionals in 2011, and now has expanded with 300 active members. The core value of the forum has always been – ‘Working for the benefit of society’.

Mr. E.I. Ravidranath, Group VP HR, Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd spoke about the SHARP forum and skills required by HR. He stressed that passion, ability to attract, ever learning hunger and knowledge sharing are key ingredient for HR. Soon he is going to release him book (untitled) on Industrial Relations.

Mr. S.Y.Park, GM ER/IR & Training, Hyundai Motors India Ltd spilled beans on the importance of HR/IR, need of proactive action by HR and expected HR functions.

Mr. Mike Park, MD Hanil Tube India Ltd. focused on HR skills needed, CEO’s expectation from HR and solutions that can consider.

Mr. Raja Gopalan, CEO Ashley Alteams emphasized on role, responsibility and expectation from HR.

Mr. S. Karthikeyan, Director Centre for Excellence in Organization Pvt Ltd. acknowledged the industry demand gap of skilled people in India in his presentation ‘Skilling India’.

Mr. BalaKrishnan, Unit Head, Wheels India Ltd. shared his experience of implementation of ‘Self Directed Work Team’ model in the organization and the changes experienced.

Mr. Prem Kumar, Ex-Director NIOT, Founder, Win Marine Consultancy highlighted on Hr as a business escalator and shared his leadership wisdom.

Dr. R.Karthikeyan, Director GEMBA School of Management encouraged audience to think out of box and blur the boundaries of traditional conventions. He explained the need of change in education and organization system and raise scope of democracy.

HR as a Valued Business Partner

The current business demands is on all support functions in all industries and businesses. Outsourcing and consulting contracts are eating into the traditional security that many classic support specialists have enjoyed. It is not enough to just deliver good transactional services. In today’s environment if you are not adding value it is not long before someone starts asking challenging questions about the value-added of IT, Internal Audit, Finance.

For HR the pressure is strong. Business leaders want more from their HR support professionals. They are seeking a more proactive and challenging role that forces managers to think about how they are leveraging people and the organization for business success. New business requirements need new HR skills and competences to make the transition to a big performance Business Partner.

David Ulrich introduced the HR business partner in his book ‘HR Champion’.

A HR Business Partner (HRBP) works with business to add real strategic value. A HRBP has to understand the business, have an insight into the people challenges and the ability to make effective links between the two.

Till date a HR worked in foundation HR practices as
  • Talent management
  • Outsourcing
  • Performance management
  • Diversity management
  • Graying population
  • Down Turn
  • Cost optimization
  • Leadership development
  • Engagement and empowerment.
HR jobs that focus on processes and systems are already becoming redundant. Much of the transactional work of HR such as payroll, employee policies, training administration, and so on, is being automated, centralized or outsourced.

Emerging HR practices are organization design, executive leadership development, work process design, internal communication etc. Being able to create increasing returns from intangibles presents tremendous opportunities for HR professionals because the only way intangibles gain value is through people. “The benefits intangible investments yield is the only means companies can use to escape intensifying competitive pressures.” Baruch Lev, Harvard Business Review, June 2004.

This situation creates a compelling argument that to drive profitable growth from intangibles, this asset class must be systemically managed by HR. But to seize this opportunity HR departments and professionals must fundamentally transform their roles.

Changing HR mission
· The human resource function must lead change and adapt to the changing nature of work in order to remain effective
· The successful HR function provides the link between strategy, people and results
· Human resource priorities and programs must be aligned with the strategy and work culture of specific organizational units
· Human resource programs must operate as an integrated system

HR as valued business partner needs to lead a transition from existing ‘traditional’ role to a new dynamic personality. HRs need to be in proactive mode rather than the existing reactive mode, they need to move from the role of employee regulators and create self sufficient employees. As add on to the current activities of benefits, policy, wage etc; they need to in-source, out-source and re-engineer HR process to improve performance and organization. New horizons of HR should target on results and future rather than know-how or program design.

To become a change-agent and business partner HRs need to have certain competencies like
  • Exhibit understanding the business
  • Help leaders to think new way in business
  • Develop and implement HR solutions to meet business needs
  • Build credibility
  • Influence change
  • Impact the client’s thinking
  • Participate in decision making
  • Challenge constructively
Wind up:
HR business partnering is a process whereby HR professionals work closely with business leaders and/or line managers to achieve shared organizational objectives, in particular designing and implementing HR systems and processes that support strategic business aims. This process may involve the formal designation of ‘HR business partners’, that is HR professionals who are embedded within the business, sometimes as part of a wider process of restructuring of the HR function.

However, it is important to note that many varying definitions of HR business partnering exist and, where HR business partners operate, there are wide variations in their role.

  • HR is shifting from a focus on compliance and control to building strategic business partnerships to support line management. 
  • The value added of HR will come from leading strategic change and ensuring alignment between business strategy and talent management priorities
  • Thinking strategically, building partnerships and influence will be key differentiators for successful HR business partners
  • Becoming an HR business partner requires more than changing behavior, it requires a change in self-perception.