Wednesday, December 02, 2009


26/11 would remain as most depressed event in Indian history, when innocents were mercilessly killed by handful fundamentalist. But we tend to forget every dark event and return back to comfort zone. After gluing endlessly to news for 2-3 days, we percept it would not happen to ‘us’ and get back to daily chores after lightening candles and debating conclusion less politics.
Why do we need to remember only dates when enemy attacked in center? Hundreds and thousands “innocent Indians” die everyday in border areas or areas under Red-army and some unnoticed parts of the same country.
I won’t say not to forget this day…. But others events, victims and mostly the martyrs should be remembered daily in ours work and prayers. Shedding tears on anniversary and live-so-called-normally rest day is not any solution. Fight back to every injustice, don’t be silent. Next similar circumstance victim might be your loved ones too.

Live and lead in to path of peace.

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